About me!
Two of my dogs: Finley on the ground and Gus up close
Hi! My name is Kate and I am a Communications, Media, and Culture Major at the University of Tampa. I am currently a sophomore. I also have a minor in English.
This is my page where I will display some of my stuff for classes including Honors.
Some facts about me
- I am from Louisiana (near New Orleans)
- I have three dogs back home (Nola, Gus, and Finley)
- I used to play volleyball (school and club) from third grade to my senior year of high school
- I also love doing art and was in AP Art in my junior and senior year of high school (I passed both years)
- I also love reading, which made me want to have a minor in English
- I love to travel
- My guilty pleasure is definitely reality tv and I will sometimes watch it on a normal basis (it can range from housewives to survivor)
- I love using photoshop and other adobe programs
That is really it, but I will post more. Stay tuned!